Pro Grands UK team up with US National Series

Pro Grands UK team up with US National Series

When we first decided a change of direction was needed we reached out to the American manufacturer of Baby Grands Mr Mark Bartley. We very quickly realised we had similar ideas aims & ethics of what racing should be all about. We then had a number of face to face meetings here in the UK.

Mark then paved the way for us to work with the Pro Grand National Series in the USA. After building strong links & friendships we have now secured full recognition & affiliation with these guys. This means we will be closely following their rulebook but with a few additions to the UK rules. For example they don’t race in the rain in the USA! The UK Pro Grand series will have their points & results posted on the USA website & our drivers will be listed in their standings.

We are the ONLY European race series to be officially recognised & sanctioned by the USA Pro Grand National Series & we are proud to fly the Stars & Stripes Banner alongside the Union Jack. The Club would like to say a special Thank you to Mark Bartley, Chad Sandstede, Mardy Dunn & Ronnie Binkley for all your help & support and we look forward to racing alongside you guys for many years to come...